Event Management Stress: Guide to Post-Holiday Recovery and Recharge

Event Management Stress

Event planning and management are demanding, especially during the holiday season, with so much event management stress. As the festivities wind down, event planners and managers often need a mental reset. Unplugging from the job’s demands, although difficult at times, is critical for maintaining good mental health and preventing burnout. This post-holiday recovery guide will explore effective strategies for event planners to recharge, prioritize self-care, and create a balanced work-life dynamic.

Why Event Planning is the Hardest Job in the World?

Event planning and management may seem glamorous and exciting, but as you can attest, it is one of the most challenging jobs! A role in the event planning industry requires high skill and experience. Here’s a list of responsibilities we came up with for an event planner or manager:

  • Managing event details and logistics
  • Overseeing budget
  • Fulfilling time constraints
  • Making logistical decisions often on the go
  • Avoiding mistakes
  • Adapting to changes
  • Communicating with a variety of people
  • Multitasking
  • Running around and moving and lifting, which is a physical demand

Read on for some effective strategies for event planners to recharge after event management stress:

1. Reflect on the Successes

Before diving into the recovery process, take a moment to reflect on the successes and accomplishments of the past year, both personally and with your whole team. Acknowledge the hard work and dedication that went into making them a reality. Celebrating achievements can provide a sense of fulfillment and boost morale, laying the groundwork for a positive mindset moving forward.

2. Get Organized

It may seem conter-intuitive to do some more work in order to unplug, but, like reflecting on your successes, getting your post-holiday calendar and tasks organized before unplugging can really set you up for an effective recovery. Getting things out of your mind and down on paper (or into your computer), tying up any losing ends, having a clean space to come back to – taking care of all of these things right away will set you up for true relaxation and recovery. 

3. Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care

Event planners often work long hours and sacrifice personal time to meet deadlines. The job requirements can be both physically and emotionally draining. It’s crucial to set clear boundaries between work and personal life. Set your phone to Do Not Disturb, and prioritize self-care activities such as adequate sleep, regular exercise, healthy eating, and getting outside. Establishing a routine that includes these elements can significantly improve mental health.

4. Unplug from Technology

Constant connectivity is a hallmark of the event planning industry, but it’s essential to detach from technology during the recovery period. Designate specific times to check emails and messages, and consider setting an out-of-office response to manage expectations. Use Tripleseat’s Discussions feature to automatically respond to event requests so that you can respond after a well-deserved break. Disconnecting from the digital world allows for genuine relaxation and prevents the intrusion of work-related stress into personal time.

5. Engage in Hobbies and Activities

Rekindle your passions and engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Whether it’s reading, painting, hiking, or simply spending time with loved ones, participating in hobbies outside of work fosters a healthy work-life balance. Activities that require your full attention (bonus points if you don’t have your phone around at all) are even better so that your mind doesn’t even have a chance to think about work. These activities serve as a therapeutic escape, providing a mental break and helping event planners recharge their creative energy.

6. Plan a Mini Getaway

Consider planning a short getaway to recharge and rejuvenate. Whether it’s a weekend retreat to a tranquil destination or a staycation at home, taking a break from the usual surroundings can have a profound impact on mental well-being. Seeing new places, meeting new people and giving your mind a break can be great for new ideas and inspiration, especially in the event management industry. A change of scenery can offer a new perspective and allow event planners to return to their roles with renewed enthusiasm.

7. Attend Industry Conferences or Workshops

Participating in industry-related events post-holiday can be a refreshing way to stay connected without the pressures of planning. Attend conferences or workshops to learn new trends, network with peers, and gain fresh insights. This allows event planners to continue professional development while enjoying a change of pace.

8. Sleep Away the Event Management Stress

Sleep is one of the most underrated keys to quality physical and mental health. With the long hours and stress of the event management industry, especially during the busiest times of the year, good sleep can be one of the first things that suffers. Set yourself up for a good night’s sleep by staying consistent with your daily sleep and wake times, keeping your room dark and comfortable, removing electronics, and avoiding caffeine before bedtime. 

Taking the time to recover and prioritize mental health is not a nice to have; it is a necessity. Implementing these strategies to unplug, reflect, and engage in self-care can set the stage for a successful and sustainable career in event management. By incorporating these practices when burnout is imminent, event planners and managers can return to their roles with increased resilience, creativity, and a renewed passion for creating memorable experiences.

Reduce Event Stress with Tripleseat

Are you ready to streamline your events all while growing your event business? Schedule a Tripleseat demo to take a closer look at our event management features that take a lot of burden off your plate.

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