January 2019 Tripleseat Updates

Are you ready for our biggest update ever?! Once again, Tripleseat is leading the way into the future on event and sales management. Welcome to the future!

Introducing MasterDocs
Tripleseat is the first and only web application that allows you to have as many events and the details of those events on a single document like a Banquet Event Order (BEO) or proposal. No longer do you have to have your events siloed on different BEOs and have to figure out the financials of those events. All events, their details, and the financials can be on a single doc. Everything rolls up to the Booking level and you can also see each event and doc separately if you like. This update is a game changer and will save hours of time detailing events and making changes to the details of the events.

Please contact support about creating MasterDocs in your Tripleseat account.

Tripleseat Advanced Reporting Portal (TARP)
Our Tripleseat Advanced Reporting Portal takes reporting to a whole new level. With TARP, you can say goodbye to downloading to Excel or using “canned” reports that don’t fit your business. TARP allows users to take a deep dive into their data and get actionable results that will help drive your business forward. Easily create graphs and dashboard on the data that is the most important to you.

TARP is a premium feature and there is an additional fee for this service. Please contact Sales Manager Ally Dettorre at ally@tripleseat.com to learn more.

Inline editing of events
Inline editing allows users to change items like the name of the event, location, time, room and guest count without having to open and edit the event itself. Make all the changes from the Booking tab quickly and easily. If you have more then one event, you know how time-consuming making changes can be. Inline editing makes it a breeze to change the information for events.

Sponsored listings for Tripleseat VENUES
Tripleseat VENUES, our premier venue directory, now accepts sponsored listings. VENUES sponsored listings include the following benefits:

  • A rotating listing of sponsored content on the homepage of Tripleseat VENUES that are immune to filters
  • The sponsored listing appears at the top of the search results
  • Visibility on the right side of search results
  • Will be shown among the natural listings on every page of search results in your metro area
  • Sponsored listings can also appear in 2 metro areas outside your area
  • Customers can identify up to 10 competitors to target with sponsored listings
  • Sponsored listings can highlight special deals and promotions with custom taglines
  • A spotlight blog post on your venue written by professional writers

To learn more about sponsored listings for VENUES, please contact Sales Manager Ally Dettorre at ally@tripleseat.com or visit the ads section of the VENUES website.

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