Tripleseat Case Study: Narragansett Beer
“It’s obvious that we’re doing better in terms of how busy we are, but being able to say this is where we were, this is where we are, and this is where we can go. It’s huge. Tripleseat has unlocked this roadmap for Narragansett.”
Ezra Juskewitch, On-Site Sales & Events Manager at Narragansett Beer
Raw Event Data
Going into the new year, Narragansett actually had a roadmap based on last year’s events business. They can see how they are succeeding, where it is that they are succeeding, where there is more business for them to capture, and what they can do differently to capture that event’s business.
Lead Forms
Narragansett is creating lead forms for each unique marketing channel or strategy to understand better where leads are coming from and which efforts they should focus on more.
Internal Communication
Narragansett is slowly increasing the scope of who has access to Tripleseat based on who needs to know what information, when, and how. Right now, beyond Ezra, the events manager, the community manager, the kitchen lead, the general manager, and both floor managers have access to Tripleseat. This gives them an extra layer of communication, which is needed based on the volume of events they put on.

Future Roadmap
In year two, quarter one, we are 103% over last year. Being able to say, this is where we were, this is where we are, and this is where we can go is huge.
Space Management
Tripleseat has helped us organize the large open venue space into zones that can now be booked, capacities for each section have been set, and the widgets have helped us figure out what minimums to set for each section as well.
Tripleseat Features
Discussions allow us to communicate with different sections of staff, such as the kitchen and management, which will take us much further than we have come so far. Automated email responses, especially after an event, help us nurture current customers.
Using Tripleseat to manage and organize both in-house and private events has unlocked a great deal of event revenue by providing the raw data on what’s working, how to market the space more efficiently, and organizing the large open space into zones that could be rented with their own unique capacities and minimums.
Tripleseat has given Narragansett a framework for understanding what the future looks like.
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