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WebRezPro – Hotel Group Booking Management With WebRezPro and Tripleseat Integration
Tripleseat has partnered with WebRezPro to improve group booking management. The integration between Tripleseat and WebRezPro provides hotels with a centralized solution that streamlines booking management and room and rate allocations and affords full visibility of group business across the entire operation.
The two-way integration allows hoteliers to take advantage of Tripleseat’s advanced lead tracking and planning tools by creating group folios and room blocks in Tripleseat, which are automatically duplicated in WebRezPro. When reservations are booked into groups through WebRezPro, pick-up is automatically updated in Tripleseat.
Armed with this combined solution, hoteliers can capitalize on Tripleseat’s powerful group sales and management capabilities while benefiting from WebRezPro’s robust booking and reporting functions without having to manually duplicate information across the two systems.
WebRezPro is a powerful, easy-to-use cloud property management system for all accommodation types and sizes. The fully integrated all-in-one system saves lodging operators time and maximizes revenue by simplifying and automating front desk and back office operations. Bringing the benefits of the cloud to 2000+ properties in 45+ countries, WebRezPro is a product of World Web Technologies Inc., an internet marketing and software company for tourism and hospitality since 1994. For more information, visit webrezpro.com.
Get in touch today to learn more about this integration.