Using Tripleseat for Takeout Business
We know that many of you are currently reworking your businesses in light of the recent state of emergency due to the coronavirus. Most likely you’re either implementing a new takeout option or expanding the one you already had. Using Tripleseat as a platform for executing takeout orders is a viable solution; simply follow these steps to get going.
First, you’ll need to add an event type for “takeout.”Adding a new event type is vital to ensure accurate reporting moving forward. To add a new event type, go to Settings> Preferences> Dropdowns. Here you will find all of your reportable dropdowns in Tripleseat. Click on Event Types, then Add Another, and type in Takeout.
Next, you’ll need to create a new area (or room) in Tripleseat for takeout events. For this, you’ll need to navigate to Settings> Locations> Edit room details. Click on Add Another and type in Takeout. Make sure when you choose a color for this room it’s something bold that will be easily identifiable on your calendar.
After you create the room, make sure to check off “Ignore Conflicts.” With normal events, you would not have this checked off in order to avoid double-booking. In this case, you want to be able to have multiple takeout bookings on the same day, at the same time. After you save your changes, you’ll want to make sure the new takeout room isn’t nested, meaning it isn’t connected to any other room. Keep the takeout area at the bottom of the area list and all the way to the left.
Now that you’ve made these changes, it’s time to use your new event type and area to book takeout. Use the new event page like you would any other event. Select takeout as the area, and takeout as the type of event. Use your current contact and event order. You’ll need to make sure your takeout menu is added as a picklist option so you can build your takeout orders the same way you build your private event orders. If for some reason you don’t already have a simple document without a signature that just lists food and beverage items, please reach out to Tripleseat’s support team and they’ll be happy to build one for you.
Chances are you’ll have to mass print your takeout orders. You can easily do this by filtering out just your takeout orders on the events page and clicking Download Documents. Choose the documents you’d like to print and mass print from there to save time.
Another great feature you can use within Tripleseat is creating a takeout lead form in order to alert your customers that you’re now offering takeout services. To create a new lead form, you’ll go to Settings> Lead Forms. From here you’ll build your new lead form. Make sure to change the title, verbiage, and form fields so you can distinguish these requests from regular leads that filter in. Once you’ve created your lead form, you can use the URL to embed the live link into your marketing emails.
Our Product Specialist, Nikki Perry, has created an easy to follow video tutorial with further detail into all of these steps. You can watch it below.
Additional resources
To read more about how the Coronavirus is impacting the hospitality industry, read our blog posts. For more tips on how to boost your events business, check out our Events Industry Handbooks.