EventCamp 2019: Marketing Session 3 How to Secure Business Growth with Retention Marketing

Who is your venue targeting the most with your marketing efforts: new customers or current customers?

If you said new customers, it’s time to rethink your marketing plan. According to Dorien Morin-van Dam, Social Media Marketing Consultant for More In Media, It costs five times as much to attract a new customer as it is to keep an existing customer. An existing customer already knows, likes, and trusts you. In fact, they’re 50 percent mover likely to purchase a new product or service from a business they’ve purchased from in the past — and they’re willing to spend 31 percent more, Morin-van Dam said.

“Why you should have a retention marketing strategy as part of your overall strategic plan is very simple: it’s money,” she said. “Part of your marketing strategy should be a social media strategy and part of your social media strategy should be some retention marketing.”

During this year’s EventCamp, Morin-van Dam spoke about three social media customer retention marketing ideas that your restaurant, hotel, or venue can use to easily market to your current customers and grow your business: Facebook groups, chatbots, and brand ambassadors. They’re three ways to keep your brand on the minds and in full view of your current customers. View Morin-van Dam’s full session and get her tips in the video below:

EventCamp 2019: Marketing Session 3 How to Secure Business Growth with Retention Marketing from Tripleseat on Vimeo.

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